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As I walked door to door collecting signatures for my petition to run for Douglas County Commission, almost every resident of our community expressed their displeasure with the County’s excessive taxation. From 2017 to 2024, the Douglas County budget grew 233% from $94 million to $194 million. Last year, it grew from $163.7 million to $194 million. All while inflation raged. We need someone who can lower the tax burden on Douglas County residents.


Last year, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Congressional Joint Economic Committee estimated that since January 2021, the average Kansan is paying $725 in additional monthly expenses or $8,700 per year. While Douglas County residents struggled with increasing food, utilities, fuel, insurance and tax costs, Douglas County continued to grow government and spend more. Our citizens need someone who will work to restrain government’s desire to spend more, especially during tough economic times or higher inflationary periods.


Out in the community, I commonly hear things like, “I don’t feel like the current commissioners represent or listen to me”. Many citizens expressed the concern that our elected officials have lost touch with the needs and expectations of our community. This was very apparent during the industrial wind and solar debates. I was surprised by the blatant disregard for the voices of the rural community, exemplified by the recent approval of solar fields on 1,100 acres of prime farmland in Grant Township and the potential for industrial wind turbines despite widespread, compelling and sensible opposition. In my view, the loudest voices should be the ones whose property will be directly affected. While it is appropriate to consider the voices of those who live on the other side of the county or in another state or even those who would make money off this project, the Douglas County residents who live in close proximity to the proposed projects have the right to the biggest microphone. They are the ones whose day to day lives will be directly affected by this decision. They are the ones who have generations of hard work and commitment invested in this land.

Rich Lorenzo for County Commission District 5

Rich Lorenzo for County Commission

© 2024 Paid for by Rich Lorenzo, AJ Majors, Treasurer

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